5 Ways you can make your kids drink water
The main ways to keep your kids healthy is to make sure they get lots of exercise and they drink lots of water. The exercise part might be easier to do than getting kids to drink water. Drinking water may be exhausting for kids most especially when their daily fluid intake consists of fruit juices and sodas, but it is important if they are active.
Here are few ways to you can try to make them drink enough water;
1. Infused water
The taste and the look of water might be too dull for some kids. You can make the water look more attractive and tasty by adding fruits, fruits like strawberry, grape, orange or glucose powder (especially the flavoured ones). To make it more eye catching to the kids you could mix two or more fruits to make it more colourful and kids do really love colourful things. By doing this you are not only making the child drink enough water but also improving the child’s Vitamin intake.
2. Make the packaging look attractive.
Kids judge what they like or what they don’t just by looking at it, so making cups attractive is a sure way to also make them drink more water. Use their favorite water container or sippy cup to keep water, this increases their willingness to drink from it.
3. Make a challenge out of it
Kids play a lot and they do love rewards, have a competition with your kids to see who gets to drink the most cups of water in a day and at the end of the day reward everyone with snacks for their efforts and accomplishment.
4. Be a role model
Children are always going to imitate what they see their parents do more often so it would be nice if you already normally drink water especially if you drink it when you are thirsty and when you are not if you don’t already normally drink water regularly I would advise you start now and even better if you start with your child.
5. Make a chart
On a cardboard paper draw two straight lines per the number of people in a family (includes mom, dad, kids and any family member living in your home), at the top of the lines write the name of everyone living in your home and give gold star stickers to everyone. For every glass/cup of water taken a gold star sticker should be placed under their name, with this chart everybody including the kids would be able to visually see the amount of water everyone drinks per day. This chart create a sense of competition for the kids as they would instinctively want to have more stars in their name.
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