Why Go Alpha

Why Go Alpha

Start India’s favorite sports program for Kids at your Preschool


Progressive curriculum begins with 2 year old’s and continues through 8 year old’s to ensure that children gain skills in a age appropriate way. It is also designed keeping the space availability at a preschool.

Technology Driven

Technology usage along with our specially designed curriculum, we are able enhance skills of the particular child in the respective sport.


Rewards and certification for ALL kids.

Sports Day

We have an exclusive customized sports day content planned and executed at each of our partner preschools.

Preschool first

We are the ONLY sports organization which prioritizes sports for preschoolers making us understand your problems and provide solutions accordingly.


Punctual and responsive program team guarantees best experience.

Active classes

We keep the wait time to the minimum so that kids will have a maximum play time.


All our sports trainers are state/national level players who are trained in handling very young kids.

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